Posts Tagged:Canon 50mm f/1.2

Project 50/50 :: Day 30 – Greatest Joy

Bad decisions caused my entire world to crash. Just when I thought I had freed myself of those bad decisions, the unthinkable and unplanned happened. The unplanned, that shook my life up yet again, turned out to be the greatest plan; greatest joy of my life. Her name is Kayden. Christy Goines-Large

Project 50/50 :: Day 29 – Searching

Incapable of waking from this nightmare- I should have died or at least lost my mind on August 29, 2010. The death certificate says she died of a gunshot to the head, but the real culprit was her broken heart. I couldn’t save her… Searching for a new reason to live, I discovered God’s plan…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 28 – Love is Love

Growing up in an all white city, I was taught that love had “RULES”…  Ones that I broke often. I had a child out of wedlock.  Shunned and lonely, I didn’t let it break me… I learned from it. I learned who to listen to and who to trust. I learned that Love is not…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 26 – Morbidly Obese

“Morbidly Obese” is the term the doctor used. You are 4ft. 11 inches and you weigh 260 lbs. You have the top three killers of African Americans: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Sleep Apnea. Loose weight…or die! I have lost 106lbs. -Katina L. Walton

Project 50/50 :: Day 25 – Crossroad

Possessing a Doctorate, I finally found my niche as an educator! But this passion comes with challenges. I love my family; I love this job. Walking in faith is not always easy. But I still hold on to God promises. Understanding that whether I turn to the left or to the right, my ear will…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 24 – Road Less Traveled

Why Do I Volunteer? To be a symbol of hope to our youth who still have a fighting chance if they can learn how to do it right. To guide and show them the result of choosing the “Road Less Traveled” over peer pressure and ignorance. -Johnny Keith  

Project 50/50 :: Day 23 – Faithful

We struggled to have children for three years and almost lost our faith because of it.  After a rock bottom fall, the Lord lifted us up and blessed us with our first child, Nolan, in less than a month. Soon after, He blessed us with our second child, Ansley. Keep your faith… we did! -Cassie…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 22 – One Brick at a Time

THE STORM IS OVER NOW….. It’s ONE day, ONE brick, ONE prayer, ONE step at a time to rebuilding our lives. We lost everything….But really lost NOTHING! “On 04/27/2011 over 300 people were killed due to the Tornado Storms that swept through Alabama. Our experience was terrifying but GOD spared our lives so for that,…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 21 – Pocket Change

I was a victim of identify theft where I was left without a dime in the bank… but I had this nickel in my pocket. Facing adversity, I found my passion… photography. This nickel reminds me why I shoot; it’s my pain, humility and trust. Thank God for pocket change. -Chris Dowdell      

Project 50/50 :: Day 15 – Mirror Mirror

OMG!  This morning I looked at myself. No!  Really, I saw beyond me… More than the color of my eyes and moles on my face. I saw something I couldn’t conceive. I believe I glimpsed that part of me that will never die. Scary, yet comforting. -Kreslyn Nichole Kelley

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