Unheard Voices….

This photo was taken at the 1,000 Hoodies March on the beautiful campus of Alabama A&M University in support of Travon Martin on 3.30.12. I had originally posted this image in it’s original orientation. But this is the vision of how I wanted to present it… “Unheard Voices”.

I’ve posted many images before, but this one has burned an everlasting memory in my soul. This image reminds me of Denise McNair, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley. These are the four girls that were killed from the blast at The 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in 1963. The bombing was one of the deadliest acts of violence during the Civil Rights movement and evoked criticism and outrage from around the world.

Anytime the life of a child is taken in a violent act, I often think of these young ladies. The Travon Martin case is no different. I didn’t know any of these children or any of their family members but I do know that this could have me… one of my family members… one of my friends… or a friend of a friend.

I often wonder what career paths these young people would have taken. What did their futures hold… Would they be on the path to upward mobility or would they just be great family members. Then I realize that their voices will no longer be heard…Maybe it’s just me… But I often drift.


Posted on April 26, 2012 in Personal

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