Eric + Shaquetta :: Engagement

When a train is on the right track, 9 times out of 10, it’s going to reach it’s final destination!  Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail and other natural causes can’t interfere.  The wedding of Eric + Shaquetta, is my final wedding of 2010, and this train is coming into the station this weekend as they say their wedding vowels.

To know this couple is to love then. When we first met, they felt like family… the one’s we want to claim!  That’s how I received them and that’s how they received me.

Back to the shoot:  The sun was playing peek-a-boo but like I said earlier… we’re dealing with a train!  It took a minute for me to find their sweet spot but once I did, the sun came out!  On the last frame, I smiled and said, “That’s it for today…” then the sun went back into hiding!

Eric + Shaquetta: Thanks for allowing me to be such a part of your lives!  Looking forward to the wedding this weekend!

Hope you’ll enjoy the photos… the movie is on its way!

Posted on December 1, 2010 in Engagements

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