Eric + Shaquetta :: Engaged (Fusion)

When the left side makes contact with the right, there’s a connection that can not be broken!  Just like train tracks…  when they’re joined together, they build a foundation that’s strong enough to hold trains!

The love of Eric & Shaquetta are those tracks and they’ve built a strong foundation for the train called LOVE!  This soft-spoken couple communicated a lot through eye contact so I had to put on my other glasses to see exactly what they were saying.  What did they say you ask? “I love you… more than words can say!”

Shaquetta and Eric, I’m so glad that you chose me to be your wedding photographer.  It’s going to be a joy working with you both on your wedding just as it was great doing this engagement session.

I look forward to becoming a part of their wedding day!  I’ve attached a fusion video of their session in this blog and I hope that you enjoy.

f you’re engaged and/or are interested in a video like this, send me an email and we’ll see if we can swing it! They’re totally fun!!

Talk to you soon,

Please feel free to leave comments and join me in wishing this couple the best!

Posted on December 13, 2010 in Engagements

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