Category Archive for: Personal


Favorite Quote of the Week: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou


Favorite Quote of the Week: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” – George Patton

Unheard Voices….

This photo was taken at the 1,000 Hoodies March on the beautiful campus of Alabama A&M University in support of Travon Martin on 3.30.12. I had originally posted this image in it’s original orientation. But this is the vision of how I wanted to present it… “Unheard Voices”. I’ve posted many images before, but this…

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Richie Carter Photography [Exposed]

God has a way to show you what you’re “supposed to do” vs. “what you want to do” – as well as the timing of when to do it! The iron is hot, my support is present and God is on my side… what a winning combination!  Therefore, on Sunday, 5.22.2011, I will be hosting…

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Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part V: The Finale}

I’ve had so much fun this week inviting all of you into my life as I reminisced of days gone by!  But one thing that my grandfather always said, is that “All Good Things Must Come to an End!”  Case in point, this series.  The only way that I could complete this series is by…

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Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part IV}

Pops didn’t take no mess!  He was a quiet man who carried a BIG stick…  more than that, he knew how to swing that stick!  He was something like E. F. Hutton… “When he spoke, everybody listened”!  I mean even the cats and dogs would stop dead in their tracks!  lol! I have many stories…

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Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part III}

Yesterday, I shared with you some treasured moments with my wife and son in my post Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part II}.  Today, I’m going to give some introductions of my sisters Valorie (Val), Valinsa (Van) and Valondria (Von) and share a personal story about my relationship with them! (Better get your popcorn now)!

Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part II}

Yesterday, I shared with you some treasured moments with my sisters in my post Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part I}.  Today, I’m going to show you the loves of my life… My wife Tina and my son Nicholas!

Reminisce of Days Gone By… {Part I}

Last weekend, my family made lemonade out of a single lemon!

Huntsville Spiritual Choral Concert

Huntsville Spiritual Choral

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a very dear person, Mrs. Brenda Davis, that I’ve admired since I was a freshman at Alabama A&M University to do a photo shoot for the Huntsville Spiritual Choral.  I won’t say what year that was due to the fact that it would date me… but I…

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