
Project 50/50 :: Day 35 – The Present

I do it to for all the PAST lives, dignity and respect that has been lost through the sacrifice of marches, sit-ins, boycotts, protests and wars… I do it to ensure that my family and all FUTURE generations continue to enjoy the success and freedoms we all enjoy in this country… I serve for your…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 34 – Pieces of Me

So many pieces make up the person that you see. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad….. But I finally found the missing “PEACE” -Kecia Wynn

Project 50/50 :: Day 33 – Missing Person

You may know the poet, writer, author, dj, engineer, Alpha, former-athlete. But do you know the man, himself? Perhaps not…because the man himself barely knew himself. For years he was busy working feverishly in his profession in an effort to satisfy an image; but forgot about him in the process. -Marc Lacy

Project 50/50 :: Day 32 – Abortion Failed

Daddy didn’t want me. Mother tried to abort me…  Jeremiah 29:11 states that God had plans for me. Plans for good and not for disaster; ones that give me a future and a hope.  Abortion Failed  -Anonymous

Project 50/50 :: Day 31 – Early Detection

25 years after my mother was diagnosed, I felt a lump. The doctors said I’ll see you in a few months but I insisted that they see me now. After a mammogram, ultrasound, and a biopsy, I was told I had Stage III breast cancer.   18 nodes were removed during surgery Now, I’m cancer free…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 30 – Greatest Joy

Bad decisions caused my entire world to crash. Just when I thought I had freed myself of those bad decisions, the unthinkable and unplanned happened. The unplanned, that shook my life up yet again, turned out to be the greatest plan; greatest joy of my life. Her name is Kayden. Christy Goines-Large

Project 50/50 :: Day 29 – Searching

Incapable of waking from this nightmare- I should have died or at least lost my mind on August 29, 2010. The death certificate says she died of a gunshot to the head, but the real culprit was her broken heart. I couldn’t save her… Searching for a new reason to live, I discovered God’s plan…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 28 – Love is Love

Growing up in an all white city, I was taught that love had “RULES”…  Ones that I broke often. I had a child out of wedlock.  Shunned and lonely, I didn’t let it break me… I learned from it. I learned who to listen to and who to trust. I learned that Love is not…

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Project 50/50 :: Day 27 – Shattered

Scarred, physically in 1992 through surgery Scarred, emotionally in 2007 and again in 2009 through deception Shattered but still not broken.  My scars are a life line; without them I would not be here. Without them I would have no testimony. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. -Calandra Terry

Project 50/50 :: Day 26 – Morbidly Obese

“Morbidly Obese” is the term the doctor used. You are 4ft. 11 inches and you weigh 260 lbs. You have the top three killers of African Americans: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Sleep Apnea. Loose weight…or die! I have lost 106lbs. -Katina L. Walton

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